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Save the date: Rails World 2024 will take place Sept 26 & 27 in Toronto. More details soon!

  1. World
  2. Agenda
  3. 5th October 2023
  4. Session: Jorge Manrubia

Making a Difference with Turbo

At 37signals, we’re working on a new product with some special needs regarding UI interactivity and fidelity.

Based on the previous experience with HEY – the product that helped shape Hotwire itself – and the new app’s particular needs, we developed a little Turbo addition that we believe can make a big difference for everyone.

In this talk, we’ll present the problem we are solving, where we are coming from, and where we landed. We’ll put an accent on how developer happiness and productivity play a crucial role in our decision process.

  • 11:45 - 12:25
  • 5th October 2023
  • Track 1

Session Speaker

Jorge Manrubia

Lead programmer, 37signals

Jorge is a programmer who loves building things and messing with every part of the process. In love with Rails since the early days, he is the author of Active Record Encryption and is a regular author in the 37signals dev blog. Outside of work, he loves being a dad, reading a good book on the beach, writing, and planning to exercise without really exercising much.

Jorge's Profile Picture