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Save the date: Rails World 2024 will take place Sept 26 & 27 in Toronto. More details soon!

  1. World
  2. Agenda
  3. 5th October 2023
  4. Session: Alicia Rojas

Building an Offline Experience with a Rails-powered PWA

Rails applications can be easily enhanced with PWA (Progressive Web Applications) functionalities thanks to the latest changes on the way the client-side is managed. This creates a great opportunity to reach non-conventional audiences (i.e.: people that lack a stable internet connection), and generate a positive impact in their lives with creative solutions.

In this session, you will learn how to turn your regular Rails application into a PWA, allowing it to provide functionality under different network conditions. Most code samples belong to a case study of an application conceived for rural people living in areas lacking stable internet access, such as farmers and agricultural technicians. We will cover exciting stuff such as caching and providing an offline fallback, how to make your app installable, and performing offline CRUD actions with IndexedDB and Hotwire.

  • 14:15 - 14:45
  • 5th October 2023
  • Track 1

Session Speaker

Alicia Rojas

Software Engineer, Telos Labs

Alicia is a software developer, music composer and natural resources engineer from Chile. She has developed and contributed to digital products committed to social and environmental impact through consultancies and participation in open-source projects. She has experience in agroecology and environmental education. In her free time, she enjoys taking long walks in nature and playing the bamboo flute.

Alicia's Profile Picture