Here are some of the smaller yet notable features in the Rails 1.2 release of ActiveRecord made since the 1.1 release. (compiled by Josh Susser).
Added simple hash conditions to #find that will just convert a hash to an equality/AND-based condition string. Example:
Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :last_name => "Catlin", :status => 1 })
…is the same as:
Person.find(:all, :conditions => [ "last_name = ? and status = ?", "Catlin", 1 ])
This makes it easier to pass in the options from a form or otherwise outside.
Added find_or_initialize_by_X
which works like find_or_create_by_X
but doesn’t save the newly instantiated record.
Records and arrays of records are bound as quoted ids.
Foo.find(:all, :conditions => ['bar_id IN (?)', bars])
Foo.find(:first, :conditions => ['bar_id = ?', bar])
Allow :uniq => true
with has_many :through
associations. This is equivalent to doing a SELECT DISTINCT in SQL, but it is done in Ruby code instead.
Add records to has_many :through
using «, push, and concat by creating the join model record. Raise if base or associate are new records since both ids are required to create the association. #build raises an error since you can’t associate an unsaved record. #create! takes an attributes hash and creates both the associated record and its join model record in a transaction.
For example:
# before:
post.taggings.create!(:tag => Tag.find_by_name('finally')
# after:
post.tags << Tag.find_by_name('finally')
# before:
transaction { post.taggings.create!(:tag => Tag.create!(:name => 'general')) }
# after:
post.tags.create! :name => 'general'
Add #delete support to has_many :through
supports the :dependent options :destroy, :delete, and :nullify.
Support for row-level locking, using either the :lock finder option or the #lock! method. See ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic docs for details.
# Obtain an exclusive lock on person 1 so we can safely increment visits.
Person.transaction do
person = Person.find(1, :lock => true)
person.visits += 1!