Changeset 3726 adds two little methods to ActiveSupport: Enumerable#group_by
and @ Array#in_groups_of@.
is for collecting an enumerable into sets, grouped by the result of a block. Useful, for example, for grouping records by date.
latest_transcripts.group_by(&:day).each do |day, transcripts|
p "#{day} -> #{ * ', '}"
"2006-03-01 -> Transcript"
"2006-02-28 -> Transcript"
"2006-02-27 -> Transcript, Transcript"
"2006-02-26 -> Transcript, Transcript"
will be baked right into Ruby in the future, and currently lives in the 1.9 branch.
let’s you iterate over an array in groups of a certain size, optionally padding any remaining
slots with a specified value (nil
by default).
%w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7).in_groups_of(3) {|g| p g}
["1", "2", "3"]
["4", "5", "6"]
["7", nil, nil]
You gotta love the elegant encapsulation afforded by blocks! Yield.