Scott Raymond latest book, Ajax on Rails, has recently been published by O’Reilly. He also wrote What’s New in Prototype 1.5? on XML.com regarding the latest changes for Prototype 1.5.
- The book demonstrates how to use Ajax and Rails to build
high-performance, scalable applications without having to write reams of
difficult-to-maintain JavaScript code.
- Provides a thorough, low-level understanding of what’s under the hood,
with a high-level understanding of how to use Ajax techniques
- Includes a complete reference to Prototype 1.5 and script.aculo.us 1.6.1,
which can be used even outside of the Rails platform.
- Three fully worked out applications—a quiz program, a photo gallery,
and a workgroup collaboration tool—show how everything fits together
in practice.
— taken from the book’s Full Description