Friday, March 27, 2009

This Week in Edge Rails

Posted by Mike Gunderloy

March 21, 2009 – March 27, 2009

It’s been a quiet week for Rails on the surface: just half a dozen commits over the course of the week. Behind the scenes, though, the work is going on to merge initial Rails 3.0 work into the master branch of the git repository. We’ll have more news on that as it happens.


Meanwhile, a few small issues in the 2.3 release have been cleared up in edge:

  • Tests with multiple POST requests in the same test block now properly handle parameters. commit
  • render :file with absolute paths now works on Windows systems. commit
  • Template extension parsing is now more robust (if you’ve been having problems with files like show.erb.orig, this one is for you). commit

Just a reminder, if you’re having any issues with Rails 2.3, we’d love to know about them – and we’d love it even more if you’d supply a failing test or a patch. Check out the details in the Contributing to Rails guide.