Over the past few months, Rails core team member Yehuda Katz has posted a series of great blog articles describing some of the process and technique he’s used while coding Rails 3 with Carl Lerche. In case you haven’t followed his blog posts, I thought I’d repost them here for your educational reading.
Rails 3: The Great Decoupling
is about decoupling components like ActionController and ActionView.
New Rails Isolation Testing
is about the creation of a new test mixin that runs each test case in its own process.
6 Steps to Refactoring Rails
is about the refactoring philosophy he’s using when coding Rails 3.
Rails Edge Architecture
is about Rails 3 Architecture including AbstractController::Base & ActionController::Http
Better Module Organization
is about cleaning up the way modules are included.
alias_method_chain in models
is about alternatives to using alias_method_chain, some of which made it into Rails 3 refactorings.
Rails 3 Extension API
is where on the new wiki Yehuda has started documenting the new extension APIs which are being added for Rails 3. There’s not a whole lot there yet, but be sure to watch this space in the coming weeks.