RailsConf 2010 is underway and what better occasion to do the final stage of the Rails 3 beta program. We’re very pleased to announce Rails 3 beta 4, which we’ll be hammering on and tuning during RailsConf.
At the end of RailsConf, we’ll be putting out the release candidate. So if you’re at the conference, and even if you’re not, now is the time to give upgrading a chance or even starting a new app. We’re all responsible for making this release solid, please join the fun.
You can install the latest beta with gem install rails --pre
Since we’re so close to release now, it’s also a great pleasure to introduce the new Rails 3 screencast series by Gregg Pollack and EnvyLabs. They’ve done an awesome job putting together six episodes and more are coming. You can also read along in their great Rails 3 slides from the RailsConf tutorial.
I also gave a keynote on Rails 3 this morning at RailsConf, so you can enjoy the slides.
Let’s race to the finish line together.