Saturday, September 23, 2017

This Week in Rails: New credentials configuration, bugfixes and more!

Posted by GregMolnar

Hi there! It’s Greg, bringing you a double-edition of This Week in Rails!

This Week’s Contributors

28 people contributed to Rails the past two weeks! If you’d like to join them, why not check out the list of open issues?

Rails 4.2.10.rc1 released

Although Rails 4.2 is not officially supported anymore, this release fixes some regressions introduced by the previous one. If no new regressions found, the final should be released mid next week.

Introducing config/credentials.yml.enc

Rails 5.2 will introduce a new credentials configuration file to store encrypted data like API keys and the secret key base. This will eventually replace Rails.application.secrets and the encrypted secrets introduced in Rails 5.1.

Add with_attached_* scope

To avoid N+1 queries when using Active Storage, this PR added with_attached_* scope to the has_one_attached macro.

ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader memoization improvement

With this change the association pre-loader became slightly faster.

Implement change_table_comment and change_column_comment for MySQL

change_table_comment and change_column_comment are implemented for the MySQL adapter as well now.

Fix Active Storage direct upload in Firefox

Direct upload in Firefox was not working because it can’t handle click events on input[type=submit], but this PR fixed the problem.

Capybara puma server configuration fix

This PR fixes an issue when the config/puma.rb configuration is loaded for system tests.

That’s it for this now! As always, there isn’t enough time to cover every change if you’d like check out the full list of changes yourself.