Friday, January 21, 2022

Rails 7.0.1, Webpacker retirement and more

Posted by morgoth85

Hi, Wojtek here introducing you to this year changes in the Rails.

Released Rails 7.0.1
The Ruby 3.1 is fully supported with this release. It also contains few bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Retirement of Webpacker
Only security issues will be considered and there will be no version 6 release of Webpacker. There is a switching guide to jsbundling-rails ready.
Thank you to everyone who’ve contributed to Webpacker over the last five-plus years!

Autoloaded paths are no longer in load path
Starting from Rails 7.1, all paths managed by the autoloader will no longer be added to $LOAD_PATH.
This means it won’t be possible to load them with a manual require call, the class or module can be referenced instead.

Added update_attributes! to Active Record
Similar to update_attribute, but raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved when a before_* callback throws :abort.

61 people contributed to Rails since the last time. All the changes can be checked here. Until next week!