Maadwo! Emmanuel with some updates on activities in Rails over the last week.
Allow passing Hash on secure password validations You can now pass an option hash to has_secure_password. If the option evaluates to true, then has_secure_password executes along with validations, otherwise it doesn’t.
Touch model records after ActiveStorage::Blob is analyzed Models directly associated to an ActiveStorage::Blob will now be touched if the blob in question is re-analysed, invalidating a model’s cache and fixing a race condition where a record can be requested and have a cache entry built.
Generate master.key even when require_master_key Previously, if config.require_master_key was set to true in config/application.rb, the credentials:edit command couldn’t automatically generate a master key file, this PR fixes that. The same fix also applies to encrypted:edit.
Return Promise<void> from Turbo.visit When consumer applications navigate through the Turbo.visit, a Promise<void> is now returned that will resolve when the visit is complete. If a visit fails or is cancelled, the Promise will be rejected.
That’s it for this week. Until next time!
13 people contributed to Rails since the last time.