We are thrilled to announce that AppSignal is the third company to join the Rails Foundation as a Contributing member.
AppSignal’s founders have been part of the Rails community since 2005, when they ran their consultancy’s customers’ production apps in Rails 0.12. With the introduction of ActiveSupport::Notifications, it suddenly became doable for them to build an Application Performance Monitoring platform specifically for Rails. They stopped doing client work and transitioned to working on AppSignal full-time in 2013.
Many thousands of developers now enjoy this straightforward, affordable, and “zero setup” APM and Logging solution for Ruby on Rails (now including several other languages and frameworks too). AppSignal processes and analyzes petabytes of monthly data in real time.
Not content to simply build on Rails, the AppSignal founders have also been important evangelists within the community. They have presented over sixty times at international Ruby, Rails, and other web development conferences, served on the RailsConf and Euruko program committees, and sponsored many open-source software projects and community-driven events. If you ever had a stroopwafel at an event, it must have been one of the over 25,000 cookies this Netherlands-based company has shipped.
Without Rails, we wouldn’t be able to build AppSignal the way we do, leveraging the power of the framework and its community. By joining the Rails Foundation, we want to play our part in helping new and existing developers discover, learn, and enjoy working with the framework that made us.
Roy Tomeij, AppSignal Co-Founder
As a company founded by Rails developers, built on Rails, and with a product designed to help Rails developers improve the performance and reliability of their applications, AppSignal truly understands the needs of the community they serve, and for that, we are excited to have them on board.
We look forward to working closely to contribute to the growth of the community, and if we are lucky, we might also see some of their infamous stroopwafels at our first Rails World this year in AppSignal’s hometown of Amsterdam Netherlands.
AppSignal joins the Rails Foundation Core members Cookpad, Doximity, Fleetio, GitHub, Intercom, Procore, Shopify, and 37signals, and Contributing members Cedarcode and Planet Argon.
By joining the Rails Foundation, these companies have pledged to help us grow and strengthen the Ruby on Rails community through improved documentation, education, events, and marketing efforts. If your company would like to become a Contributing member, please reach out to foundation@rubyonrails.org. We’d love to hear from you.