Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Host your podcast at Rails World with Buzzsprout

Posted by The Rails Foundation

Hey podcasters, we have exciting news: Buzzsprout is sponsoring the Rails World Podcast program.

Buzzsprout, the world’s largest premium podcast hosting platform built on Rails, was a natural choice for our Podcast Sponsorship. We are thrilled to launch this program together for the first time.

What is the Podcast program?

The Rails World Podcast program was designed to provide podcasters in the Ruby and Rails community an opportunity to host episodes of their podcast onsite at Rails World.

With 650 attendees from around the world, and a lineup of some of our industry’s best speakers, it is a unique opportunity for podcasters to meet, interview, and connect with other community members at Rails World - all under one roof.

Podcasts chosen for this program will have access to a dedicated, podcast recording booth at Rails World where they can record episodes of their podcast with Rails World speakers or attendees.

Selected podcast hosts will receive one ticket to Rails World, a 3 night hotel stay, and space to record content for their podcast. The podcasters agree to record at least one episode on site and feature a 30-45 second ad highlighting Buzzsprout as a sponsor.

How to apply

If you’re interested in applying for the Podcast program, please fill out this form by August 7. The selected podcasts will be contacted by Buzzsprout on or before August 15, 2023.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to world@rubyonrails.org.