Thanks to John Long, Rails now supports multiple view paths for each controller. For 90% of the apps, this probably won’t make a huge difference. But, for those of you...
Obie walks through the technique for getting more search engine-friendly URLs and still retain the ease of use with auto-incrementing ids. It’s the same technique we used on the new...
Capistrano is a utility for executing commands in parallel on multiple machines, such as for automating the deployment of applications. Version 1.4.0 is now available. To install: gem install capistrano...
So we had a suspicion that the seats for RailsConf ‘07 would sell fast, but this is ridiculously. A few hours after we’ve opened for registrations that close to more...
Come May 17th, the Oregon Convention Center in Portland will host the second annual RailsConf and if you want to be there, you better get your registration in early. Last...
As hosts start expanding their hosting options, it’s becoming more important for folks to get together and share their deployment knowledge and trade war stories. Robby Russell thought it was...
We’re on the home stretch now, and Rails is getting more and more solid every day. With you all helping, we should be able to finish off the remaining failures,...
Patrick Lenz wrapped up yet another Rails book: Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications, published by SitePoint. This one takes a beginners look at the Rails 1.2 framework,...
If you are using SQLite3 with a Rails application, make sure you are using SQLite3 3.3.7 or earlier. Versions after 3.3.7 incompatibly changed the way in which default values are...
Omninerd published an introduction to ActiveMerchant. AM is a credit card processing library extracted from Shopify in much the same way Rails was originally extracted from Basecamp. Processing Credit Cards...