Chad Fowler’s excellent Rails Recipes, quickly becoming the de facto companion to the canonical Agile Web Development with Rails, is out of beta and off to the printers. Now that...
The chaps at the JRuby project has been making rapid progress in anticipation of JavaOne. They finally got a simple, but complete Rails application running. I hear it’s not breaking...
Most Rails applications are deployed in a Unix server environment. Tools like Capistrano make this dead easy. For those working in a Windows environment, deployment can get considerably harder. The...
Josh Susser is at it again. He’s whiped up a PDF presentation called Laying Tracks which details the hows and the whys of contributing patches to Rails. At just 16...
We’ve recently decided to put some work into Rails documentation. We’d like to flesh out the existing docs, add documentation for the corners that are lacking and update what may...
Changset 4325 adds the :uniq option to has_many :through. Josh Susser, ActiveRecord associations guru, offers a nice write up of what it means for has_many :through to have :uniq. You...
In this installment of the Rails podcast, Geoffrey Grosenbach catches up with Obie Fernandez of Thoughtworks. Obie has been using Rails with great success to take on “enterprise” scale projects....
Plugins are the official way to bend Rails to do your bidding. Creating a plugin is a great way to share your Rails extensions with others who may find them...
The first RailsConf scheduled for June 22-25 in Chicago sold out so fast it made our heads spin. 550 seats were snatched up before the program was even ready or...