February 13, 2006
Rails training opportunities in Europe
In the next few months, our friends over in Europe will be getting several opportunities to attend Rails training courses. Geoffrey Grosenbach, the man behind the Rails podcast as well...
February 9, 2006
Book: Ruby for Rails available via Manning Early Access program
Long time resident mentor on ruby-talk and Ruby Central co-founder, David Black, is just finishing up a book that should be of special interest to those whose first Ruby experiences...
February 9, 2006
OSCON Call For Proposals
Last year’s O’Reilly Open Source Convention was a watershed event for Ruby outside of Japan. Ruby was the well-deserved buzz of the conference. This year’s call for participation is closing...
February 8, 2006
RailsConf sold out!
We warned you it was going to happen, and lo, in less than a week, RailsConf has SOLD OUT. All told, 400 people signed up. In October, RubyConf was capped...
February 6, 2006
RailsConf missing on .org, use .com
A technical glitch has rendered railsconf.org inaccessible. Use railsconf.com in the meanwhile.
February 6, 2006
Canada on Rails is here too
In the flurry of enthusiasm over the official RailsConf, Canada on Rails seems to have been a bit forgotten. It’s going down in Vancouver on April 13th and 14th. I’ll...
February 6, 2006
The argon express to RailsConf
Planet Argon and friends have arranged a cross-country rails ride from Portland to Chicago for RailsConf. They’re inviting you to jump on board.
February 6, 2006
Testing the view with Selenium
Selenium enables you to test the view by driving it through a real browser. This allows you to test that your application works correctly in multiple browsers and that the...
February 6, 2006
RailsConf: 65% 80% of the seats sold!
RailsConf was announced less than a week ago and the seats are going faster than snappy quick. Of the 400 tickets for sale, 265 were gone as of this morning....
February 4, 2006
Rails Recipes premieres in beta book form
Chad Fowler has completed the first draft of the initial 21 chapters for Rails Recipes and is now making the work available as a beta book for purchase. The final...