James Duncan Davidson and Mike Clark has delivered on their first large, commercial Rails project together: VitalSource Bookshelf. It’s a book store that aims to make it as easy to...
In case you’re wondering with it’s :controller => "weblog" and not just "controller" => "weblog", you want to read Kevin Clark’s Understanding Ruby Symbols. It gives a number of angles...
David Geary has moved into the Rails café and is now spending a considerable amount of time telling others about this place. Most recently, he did just that again at...
The Rails job market continues to pick up pace. Here are a total of six new positions open for developers ready to leave the old world behind and join the...
Strongspace is a smashing new Rails-powered service from TextDrive. Their pick-up line goes as follows: Strongspace is a secure place to gather, store, back-up and share any type of file...
On the Apple Developer site, there’s a new article about open-source scripting languages and how you can use Xcode to work with them. On Ruby, they note: Ruby is gaining...
As most of you have probably read on his weblog, David Heinemeier Hansson have been named “best hacker” by Google and O’Reilly.
Congratulations, David!
Geoff Grosenbach has implemented a really cool Sparklines library for Ruby that even ships with helpers for Rails. A few examples: Pie—Shows a single percentage Smooth—Shows continuous data Area—Highlights data...
The Rails wiki has returned in a trimmed form that abandoned all the previous revisions in order to make Madeleine cope with the pressure. We’ve surely pressed the backend far...