March 26, 2005
Another pair of ThoughtWorkers pick up Rails
Obie Fernandez and Carlos Villela are ThoughtWorkers following the lead of other company programmers, like Aslak (who’s getting DamageControl on Rails) and John Wilkers, in exploring Rails further. And while...
March 26, 2005
Obfuscated Ruby Code Contest
While Ruby is usually praised as being one of the most readable programming languages around, it’s certainly also possibly to make it obfuscated. It just takes a good dose of...
March 24, 2005
Craig Walls: 'Honestly, I'm quite impressed'
Craig Walls is the coauthor of both Spring in Action and XDoclet in Action. Recently, he had “…come to the conclusion that I could not ignore Rails any longer”. This...
March 22, 2005
Patching Ruby-FastCGI for leaks and exceptions
Apparently, Ruby-FastCGI is one leaky pipe. It’s currently happily disposing of up to 16K per request. Not particularly helpful for the long-running processes like FastCGIs. But have no fear, Kirk...
March 22, 2005
Rails 0.11.0: Ajax, Pagination, Non-vhost, Incoming mail
With the inclusion of Ajax helpers in Rails 0.11.0, we’ve addressed the most important concern holding back large scale Ajax use: Writing DHTML by hand. Manipulating the DOM by hand...
March 22, 2005
RubyConf 2005 preregistration is open
Let me tell you where you’re going to be on October 14th through 16th. You’re going to be in San Diego, California. That’s right. RubyConf just opened the doors for...
March 22, 2005
4th book coming: Rails Developer Notebook
O’Reilly is getting on board the Rails too. Their first book is going to be the Rails Developer Notebook, which as the name suggests is part of their Developer’s Notebooks...
March 21, 2005
New book coming: Pragmatic Rails Recipes
I’m incredibly proud to announce the third Rails book in the making. The title is “Pragmatic Rails Recipes: A Guide to Elegant Web Development” and the authors should be very...
March 20, 2005
Fifth International Ruby Conference
The fifth international Ruby conference is happening in San Diego, California from October 14th until 16th. You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful three...
March 20, 2005
RubyGems 0.8.8 with better dependency management
I forgot to mention that a new and much improved version of RubyGems was made available a while back. The new version makes it a lot easier to install Rails...