The signup for Rails Day has opened up. It’s 24 hours to produce a killer Rails application from scratch and a great chance to win lots of cool prizes.
The first Rails book is out — in beta. Agile Web Development with Rails is not scheduled to hit hardcopy before early August, but people need the information now. What...
CIA is a low-fi continuous integration server dedicated to testing Rails applications. It’s less than 100 lines of code and very ugly. Thus, it has been somewhat of a well-kept...
David Siegel has been working on an interesting database for the structure of films: Some people know me as a type designer, a web designer, an entrepreneur, author, or public...
I didn’t line them all up for this, I swear. But Rails positions are just emerging from everywhere. Today its the imminent podcasting venture know as Odeo that’s looking for...
Adaptive Path is in need of some extra talent, writes Michael Buffington: If you’re interested in a pretty aggressive project and you’re good with Ruby on Rails, drop me a... can help you find a place to live and does so by running Ruby on Rails with a hook into Google Maps. It’s pretty neat. Remixing it, baby.
Now don’t tell me there’s no glitz or glamour working with Rails. Tom Wolf from World of Wonder is looking to hire a Rails programmer to build a video delivery...
Tim Case has recently launched theVerbalizer. It’s a learning tool for getting into Portuguese using a method of remembering verbs as the prime driver. Very cool stuff. Especially so for...
Jens-Christian Fischer has written an article about Ruby on Rails for and they’ve granted him permission to distribute the PDF of it from his blog. It’s all in German,...