Joe Agliozzo is looking to hire a Rails developer for a freelance project to work on an application that will “…allow users to post local restaurants, shops, attractions etc. to...
MSCI Barra is looking for a developer that preferably is already up-to-speed with Ruby on Rails or at least interested in getting it. It’s pretty darn cool to see a...
Apache has long appeared to be the only viable show in town for your Rails’ web serving needs when it comes to running a production system. Of course, there has...
Dion Almer is pondering the difference in how the Ruby and Java communities have dealt with natural selection in web-application frameworks. About Rails, he writes: There were various web frameworks...
I’m proud to announce the launch of the first e-tailer to go life with Rails Inside: Snowdevil. Especially so because the team behind it has core contributor Tobias Luekte at...
The father of Java, James Gosling, is traveling the down under and has some.. erhm.. “interesting” thoughts on scripting languages. I’m getting these sound bytes from Alan Fracis’ summary of...
Learn how to build an address book using Rails. Or, learn to read Portuguese, then learn how to build that address book. Regardless of whether you need step two of...
The weblogging system powering Sarah Wedde’s ever funny One Before has been baptized Tentacle and made available through SVN. I didn’t even know. Yet another example for people to learn...
Justin French have survived the first week on his transitionary journey from PHP to Rails. I have special sympathy for refugees from that camp as I used to do a...
Amy Hoy is a designer, programmer, and writer digging into Rails. She read Curt Hibbs’ great introduction article on Rails at O’Reilly’s OnLAMP, but decided she’d like to decorate it...