December 31, 2004
"Simple design that even my grandma can understand"
Hamilton Verissimo captures the essence of what Ruby on Rails is about: On the other hand I’ve coded the Castle on Rails, which is based on Action Pack. I have...
December 31, 2004
Escaping Java but not its thinking
Kevin Dangoor is getting out of J2EE development after four years of legacy mud and fear-driven technology choices. He has picked to start his new businesses on a dynamic language...
December 31, 2004
Rake 0.4.14 includes fix for Ruby 1.8.2
Jim Weirich has just released Rake 0.4.14 that includes the fix by Dave Halliday to cure test suite runnings with Ruby 1.8.2. You’ll want to grab this right away in...
December 31, 2004
Rails logo remixed by Olivier Hericord
Despite my initial resistance, Olivier Hericord pressed on and prevailed — against my own odds — to produce a remixed version of the new logo that was greeted by the...
December 31, 2004
Celebrating 219 applied patches since 0.7
Rails has absorbed ~219 patches since the ticketing went Trac around the release of Rails 0.7. That’s almost three patches applied per day. Quite the barn raising. Seems like we’re...
December 30, 2004
Marten opens Epilog for Trac'ing
Alongside EliteJournal, Epilog is the other major weblog application development going on with Rails. Marten is set to release a new version running off the 0.9.x series of Rails in...
December 30, 2004
Drew McLellan predicts "More Rails" in 2005
Among predictions of having a beard will be the hot thing in 2005, Mr. All in the Head highlights Rails as having an especially bright coming year: David Heinemeier Hansson’s...
December 30, 2004
Running rake tests with Ruby 1.8.2
If you’re among the early adopters of Ruby 1.8.2, you will have noticed that rake chokes when attempting to run all the tests in a suite. Thankfully, Dave Halliday was...
December 30, 2004
Splitting off the research patches
I’ve introduced the new [RESEARCH] prefix to ticket summaries in addition to the existing [PATCH]. By applying the [RESEARCH] prefix, you’re sharing a patch with the world that either needs...
December 29, 2004
Available for hire?
I’m regularly getting requests from people who wants to start up Rails development, but are looking for a way to kick-start the affair by retaining one or more experts. Some...