Along with the announcement of the latest major upgrade to Basecamp, I’ve unveiled who the mysterious programmer we’ve brought on at 37signals is. So I thought I’d also wish him...
Nicholas Seckar is busy working away on the Directors — the next-generation URL mapping scheme for Rails — yet still took the time to explain how its going to work....
Rails is already an incredibly capable environment, but we’re still not quite ready to slap on the 1.0 sticker according to my own standards for that label. So what’s missing?...
Pelle Braendgaard just launched and announced a new free Rails service entitled SoapBX that let’s you use a combination of Textile and S5 to forget about Powerpoint and Keynote: About...
Getting Things Done is all the rage these days as geeks scramble to inject some order into their messy work lives. So what better way to jump on board that...
Brian McCallister started working on a new Rails application and discovered the goodness that is the default logging setup: This is sort of what using Rails is mostly like. You...
Drew McLellan is looking for a job and what better way to demonstrate to potential employers than to show you’re keeping up with the field of web development: I like...
I love picking up Rails praise in a foreign language through the wonder that is Google Translate: …within fewer days it was my small Webapp finished and I a realization...
Rails is now fully compatible with Ruby 1.8.2, which we advice all to upgrade to as soon as possible. It contains a year’s worth of bug fixes for Ruby, so...