#### Hi there everyone o/ Washington here putting together another weekly Rails issue for the most awesome community. Featured Rails 4.2.5.rc2 and Rails 4.1.14.rc2 are out Please take a minute...
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.5.rc2 and 4.1.14.rc2 have been released. If no regressions are found expect the final release this Wednesday, on November 11, 2015....
#### Beware of those, In forests reigned by cawing crows Who feel the fright, a stormy friday night Your weekly Rails news, pick and choose As we weave, this; All...
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.5.rc1 and 4.1.14.rc1 have been released. If no regressions are found expect the final release this Wednesday, on November 4, 2015....
Please join us in welcoming Matthew Draper to the Rails core team! Matthew is a kick-ass collaborator. He’s gone above and beyond PRs and technical contributions (which are sharp and...
#### Hello everyone! This is Roque with the latest from the Rails world. Featured Sending out to over 4000 subscribers! This Week in Rails just crossed 4000 subscribers. Thanks to...
Hello everyone! This is Greg with help from Andy (welcome!) bringing you the latest news from Rails. Featured This weeks Rails contributors 33 people contributed to Rails this week, including...
Hello everyone! This is Marcel with help from Andy (welcome!) bringing news from yet another week of Rails. Featured Google Summer of Code 2015 The fourth year of participation in...
This year marked our fourth participation in Google’s Summer of Code (GSoC). In this post we’d like to tell you a bit about this year’s projects: Asset Source Maps (Andrei...