April 13, 2010
Rails 3.0: Third beta release
We’re marching towards the release candidates with hurried steps, but along the way we stopped by for another beta. This one spins out a few overdue extractions into plugins (see...
April 1, 2010
Rails 3.0: Second beta release
It took longer than we thought, but then again, what doesn’t? This is the second beta release of Rails 3.0 and hopefully our last stop before a release candidate. There...
March 31, 2010
Learn About Rails 3's Fantastic New Router
Rizwan Reza recently wrote a post about many of the new features in Rails 3’s router. The changes are significant and, in one fell swoop, moot many of the routing...
March 30, 2010
Ruby Hero Awards 2010
It’s that time again to take a moment to think about those people who have impacted Ruby community but have not received the recognition they deserve. We have given away...
March 24, 2010
Rails and the Enterprise
If you have been in the Rails community for a little while, you have more than likely noticed the love/hate relationship that is entertained by the community vis-à-vis the Enterprise....
March 24, 2010
Ruby Summer of Code
Rails participated in Google’s summer of code program for the first time last year. We got four great projects and three long-term contributors from the effort, including Josh Peek and...
February 22, 2010
Ruby and Rails Conferences 2010
There are an incredible amount of Ruby & Rails conferences coming up in the next 6 months. See below to find one in your neck of the woods. March 11-12...
February 13, 2010
José Valim and Carl Lerche joins Rails core
Please give a warm welcome to José Valim and Carl Lerche as they both join the Rails core team. Both guys have been key contributors to the Rails 3 development...
February 9, 2010
Plugin Authors: Toward a Better Future
Some of the biggest changes in Rails 3 involve how Rails expects plugins to behave. Dependencies If your plugin has dependencies, make it a gem and have your users install...
February 5, 2010
Rails 3.0: Beta release
You thought we were never going to get to this day, didn’t you? Ye of little faith. Because here is the first real, public release of Rails 3.0 in the...