June 13, 2008
Capistrano 2.4.0
Capistrano 2.4.0 is now available. Capistrano is the deployment tool of choice for many Rails programmers, but can be used for much more, allowing you to automate remote tasks using...
June 10, 2008
RailsConf Europe: Registration is open!
RailsConf Europe has opened the doors for registration. The conference is returning to Berlin, Germany from September 2nd through 4th. If you register before July 15th, you can save up...
June 10, 2008
Two New Weekly Columns
I’d like to introduce two new contributors to the Rails blog. First up is Chu Yeow. Chu has been putting together weekly Living on the Edge blog posts where he...
June 10, 2008
Free Rails 2.1 Book
If you’re eager to learn how to use all the new features in Rails 2.1, Carlos Brando just released a free book titled Ruby on Rails 2.1, What’s New?. You...
June 2, 2008
RubyEnRails 2008
RubyEnRails 2008 is a Dutch Rails conference happening on June 10th. They still have a few tickets left, so if you’re able to go, there’s still the option. Lots of...
June 2, 2008
RailsConf in 36 minutes
Gregg Pollack has made a great video with interviews of speakers and attendants at RailsConf as a way of giving people who weren’t there a taste of what it was...
June 1, 2008
Rails 2.1: Time zones, dirty, caching, gem dependencies, caching, etc
Rails 2.1 is now available for general consumption with all the features and fixes we’ve been putting in over the last six months since 2.0. This has been a huge...
May 3, 2008
Guide to creating and testing patches with Git
Michael has written up a guide on how to create and test patches with Git. A good read for anyone interested in contributing or following the development of Rails.
May 2, 2008
Help improve Rails documentation on Git branch
Pratik’s documentation branch for Rails has moved to http://github.com/lifo/docrails. This branch is open for all to contribute to directly. Just send Pratik a note on Github asking for access and...
April 30, 2008
Rails 2.1 release candidate is imminent!
Threat level orange, guys! The release candidate for Rails 2.1 is drawing awfully close, so if you’ve been sitting on a patch that just must make it in now is...