November 7, 2007
Prototype 1.6.0 and 1.8.0 released
New versions of the JavaScript libraries that ship with Rails, Prototype 1.6.0 and 1.8.0, have been released. You can find out about the numerous changes on the Prototype blog...
October 30, 2007
RailsConf '08: Call for participation
RailsConf 2008 is set to return to Portland on May 29th through June 1st. It takes a lot of time and coordination to get a conference of that magnitude put...
October 29, 2007
Paris on Rails: December 10th
Paris on Rails is a French-speaking Rails conference that’s taking place in Paris on December 10th. They have a great program for the day with 10 speakers (yours truly included...
October 26, 2007
Today is Leopard day!
OS X 10.5 is shipping today under the Leopard moniker. Besides being a great upgrade to a wonderful operating system, it's also the first version of OS X that ships...
October 26, 2007
Working With Rails Relaunched
Working With Rails has been updated with fresh new colors and functionality. It looks great and we much appreciate the work they’ve been doing to track the Rails Hackfests.
October 25, 2007
MicroPlace Launches
MicroPlace, a site that lets you make small loans to workers in developing countries and receive a return, just recently launched. Josh Susser, one of the contractors that worked on...
October 17, 2007
IntelliJ IDEA 7 with Ruby on Rails support
IntelliJ IDEA has long been regarded as one of the best IDEs for Java development. With the 7.0 release they’ve followed Netbeans and Eclipse by offering significant support for Ruby...
October 14, 2007
Capistrano 2.1
After a much larger delay than I would have liked, Capistrano 2.1 is now available! (Capistrano is a utility for executing commands on multiple remote machines in parallel, and is...
October 12, 2007
Rails 1.2.5: Security and maintenance release
This release closes a JSON XSS vulnerability, fixes a couple of minor regressions introduced in 1.2.4, and backports a handful of features and fixes from the 2.0 preview release. All...
October 9, 2007
acts_as_conference in Florida
Rails For All is doing a Rails conference under the banner of acts_as_conference in Florida from February 8th through 9th. They’re currently open for proposals and you can sign up...