O’Reilly has analyzed the book sales once again. Here are the juicy bits about Ruby and Rails books: In the Web design and development area, it’s worth noting that Ruby...
Joyent’s Slingshot technology for creating offline-capable Rails applications has gone public. They’re even doing a competition to celebrate: The best ports of various open source Rails applications can win a...
The first Czech Ruby on Rails conference is coming to Ostrava this summer: mark your calendar for June 22-23. Talks are in English and registration is open now!
Capistrano 2.0 Preview 1 is now available for installing and testing: gem install -s http://gems.rubyonrails.com capistrano (It’ll show up as version 1.99.0; the 1.99.x series will be used as the...
We’re putting the finishing touches on the RailsConf 2007 schedule this week. Given the huge number of high quality proposals (well over 3 times the number from last year), we’re...
Eric Mill went ahead and created Jester, a library that lets you manipulate your Rails-style resources with javascript models. I think it’s great that we’re seeing implementations in other languages....
Stephan Kaes, our resident performance expert, has released a new version of RailsBench. He then created new Rails 1.2 vs Rails 1.1 benchmarks, discovering that things aren’t as bad as...
While Rails Edge continues to move forward at a rapid clip, we’ve still had the time to make sure that Rails 1.2.x stays in the game. This release irons out...
Until now, the task of locating and loading plugins into your app was handled by a handful of private methods on the Rails::Initializer. These methods were fairly large, coarse grained,...
Computerworld is pinning Rails as the #1 technology to know in 2007. As the only piece of software among group of hardware including NAND drives and new CPUs. About Rails...