Friday, September 29, 2017

This Week in Rails: getting closer to Rails 5.2 beta

Posted by claudio

Hi there! It’s Claudio from sunny Los Angeles. Step by step we are getting closer to the first beta of Rails 5.2. Check out the changes that occurred in Ra-Ra-Rails-land last week.

Rails 4.2.10 released

Unless more regressions are found this will likely be the last release for Rails 4.2.

This Week’s Contributors

28 people contributed to Rails the past week! If you’d like to join them, why not check out the list of open issues?

Preview PDFs and videos

If you use Active Storage, you can now easily provide image previews for PDF files and videos!

Add Key Rotation to MessageEncryptor and MessageVerifier and simplify the Cookies middleware

This PR introduces ActiveSupport::KeyRotator which provides an interface for easily rotating between different encryption ciphers or message digests, salts, and secrets.

Implement change_table_comment and change_column_comment for MySQL

The two methods were only implemented for PostgreSQL.

Ensure HWIA#transform_keys returns HWIA

Makes #transform_keys coherent with other methods of HashWithIndifferentAccess such as #transform_values, #select and #reject.

Treat Set as an Array in Relation#where

You can now safely use Set in your Active Record query, e.g.: 

User.where(id:[1, 2]))

Feel free to check out the full list of changes.

Thanks to the 28 people contributed to Rails last week. If you’d like to join them, check out the list of open issues.