October 2, 2006
Who wants faster ERb rendering for free?
Stefan Kaes from RailsExpress has recently released a Rails plugin that greatly reduces the time Rails spends for rendering ERb templates. He’s now looking for help to get the code...
September 30, 2006
Capistrano cheat sheet
David Pettifer has created a compact Capistrano cheat sheet in PDF format. It summarizes helper methods, pre-defined variables, standard tasks, capfile syntax, standard release directory structure, and more. So go...
September 28, 2006
German Rails conference in November
rails-konferenz.de is a one-day German Rails conference taking place at the NH Hotel in Frankfurt am Main on November 3rd. They have sessions on localization, testing, backgroundrb, and more. If...
September 20, 2006
University of Notre Dame on Rails
John Nunemaker wrote to tell me that the University of Notre Dame has picked up Ruby on Rails and is using it for their forum site. About the implementation, he...
September 18, 2006
Capistrano mailing list
After getting all inspired by Kathy Sierra’s keynote at the RailsConf last week, and reflecting on the requests I’ve received for a Capistrano-specific mailing list, I decided it was time...
September 11, 2006
New Ruby site goes online
After months and months of deliciously teasing screenshots, the real deal is now out for the world to see. The official Ruby language website has been redesigned. And what a...
September 9, 2006
RailsConf Europe: Sold out and almost here
RailsConf Europe is imminent. Come next Thursday and hundreds of Rails programmers will descend on London for two days of talks, tricks, and perhaps a pony show. Despite an initially...
September 8, 2006
Crazy Egg is crazy cool and on Rails
Crazy Egg lets you find out which links are popular on your page and presents the information in easy-to-understand heat maps. It’s incredibly well designed and a fantastic idea. At...
September 7, 2006
Sun hires the JRuby team
Tim Bray has announced that Sun Microsystems has hired Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo, the developers behind JRuby. Tim’s announcement has a FAQ that probably answers many of the questions...
September 7, 2006
Adobe announces Rails SDK for Flex
Adobe’s Mike Potter brings the cherry news that an officially-backed Rails SDK for Flex and the rest of the company’s RIA suite is now available. Derek Wischusen from Flex on...