May 22, 2006
Dan Webb's Request Routing Plugin
Have you ever wanted to write Rails routes using a URL’s subdomain? What about routing based on whether a request was HTTP vs HTTPS? Well, now you can. Recently Dan...
May 20, 2006
Rails Day 2006
Last June was the first Rails Day, where teams of two or three competed to build the best all around Rails app in a 24 hour period. Well they’re doing...
May 20, 2006
Getting Real after RailsConf in Chicago
If you’re in Chicago for RailsConf, you might want to extend your stay to include the following Monday. The Getting Real workshop by 37signals is going down on June 26th....
May 19, 2006
Wellington Rails User's Group
Tomek Piatek and others have started Well Railed, the Rails User’s Group in Wellington, NZ. The first meeting will be on the 30th May at 6:30-ish at Hell Pizza in...
May 18, 2006
Tom Copeland on the Rails podcast
The latest Rails podcast features Tom Copeland, one of the guys who generously runs RubyForge. Some might be surprised to know that Rich Kilmer and Tom Copeland have been running...
May 18, 2006
Interview with Mongrel developer Zed Shaw
Zed Shaw’s new (mostly) Ruby webserver Mongrel has been getting people’s attention lately. What started out as perhaps just an itch has turned into a full time project for Zed,...
May 18, 2006
Weekly interactive guides with Kevin Clark
Kevin Clark, the guy whose recently taken on the documentation cleanup project, is diversifying his documentation work. His latest idea: weekly interactive guides. Write into Kevin with requests on a...
May 18, 2006
Easily find inefficient queries with QueryTrace
Nathaniel Talbott of test/unit fame has just released a new plugin he calls QueryTrace. I’ll let him explain what it does: It’s nice that ActiveRecord logs the queries that are...
May 17, 2006
A gentle reminder about pluralizations
Watching the RSS feed from the Ruby on Rails trac is a great way to keep up on what’s happening in Rails development. If you’re doing any development on the...
May 17, 2006
Welcome Josh Susser to the Rails weblog
You may already know Josh Susser from his excellent blog has_many :through. After linking up 5 of his posts in a row we figured it would be easier to cut...