Dr Nic Williams has charged one of the major strongholds of legacy database compatibility with Rails, composite primary keys support. By installing his nimble plugin, you get a very natural...
It seemed to have slipped all of our minds, but yesterday, the 25th of July marks the 2 year anniversary of Rails’ release. Here’s David’s announcement email to the ruby-talk...
Jay Zimmerman just wrote to say that next Wednesday, July 26th, the presentation media for RailsConf 2006 will go on sale to the general public. So if you didn’t get...
Gonzo Rails developer Scott Raymond has written an analysis of how he refactored IconBuffet.com using RESTful routes. It’s the most cogent and compelling description of the benefits of a CRUDdy/RESTful...
For the procrastinators out there, don’t forget that the talk proposal deadline for the European RailsConf is coming this Friday, July 21. If you missed RailsConf, this is your chance...
MenuTree is a new Rails application that seeks to make the search for new take-out places a more enjoyable experience. They just launched, so do help fill up the options...
Right on the heels of Martin Fowler writing up Enterprise Rails, the Pragmatic Studio has announced the addition of their latest studio, Enterprise Ruby, the first of which will be...
David’s RailsConf 2006 keynote, Discovering a World of Resources on Rails, is now online. In this talk he announced the new ActiveResource project, for consuming REST web services and evangelized...
If you missed RailsConf 2006, you’ll be glad to know that videos of the keynote presentations are being made available for online viewing and (coming soon) download. A collection of...