In stark contrast to Panda, Dave Thomas presents the pragmatic approach to deciding between J2EE and Ruby on Rails. Using the full might of a J2EE stack to write a...
There was a time where I would have jumped in and attempted to educate a guy like Debu Panda. Now it’s more of a comical relief. Like when old people...
Matz, the creator of Ruby, has signed up for a Basecamp account to help the committers team collaborate on the development of Ruby. What an honor. Note, the intentions are...
Ralf and Thomas has had their second article on Ruby on Rails published. This time its the German Javamagazin that even featured a highlight of the article on the cover....
ThoughtWorks is hiring people with design and development skills in Ruby on Rails in three cities down under: Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney. I met with their CEO and a select...
The DHTML-based WYSIWYG-editors are getting better and better. In the lead pack in the FCKEditor and Joshua M. Charles has just written a brief article on how easy it is...
We’ve had a lot of discussions of Rails as a disruptive technology, but now David Geary is focusing on explaining the growth (and imminent growth) through the lens of Gladwell’s...
Alonovo launched a little while back. It’s a market place that provides a way to do “socially-responsible shopping”. That is, buying from companies that behaves according to how you think...
Courtenay and bousquet are behind Cartographer that allows you to integrate Google Maps in your Ruby on Rails application with no effort. A few API tastes: <%= gmap(:mapname=>"my_map", :width=>"50", :height=>"120")...
Ryan Tomayko is a long-term Python guy in search of a web-development platform for his small tech company. His evaluation first went along the lines of safety vs freedom languages...