June 24, 2005
TextDrive seeks to sweeten control with Rails application
TextPanel is the name of TextDrive‘s effort to modernize Webmin and the whole of branch of control panel software. They’re hard at work on it. And it’s going to be...
June 23, 2005
Taking Ajax higher with next Rails release
Thomas Fuchs has been doing awesome work building on top of Prototype (the Javascript engine driving Ajax in Rails) to bring us script.aculo.us: Better effects and drag’n’drop capabilities. Together with...
June 23, 2005
Three new Rails jobs: NetworkChemistry, IntegralNet, Mirak
The commercial interest for using Rails is ever growing and I keep getting leads on new jobs. Here are the latest three openings: NetworkChemistry: Looking for a Rails programmer with...
June 22, 2005
ODEO is trickling out the launch
ODEO is the upcoming premier portal for podcasting shows. Whether you just want to find and listen or whether you want to create and distribute. Phillip Torrone has a mini-review...
June 21, 2005
Rails #3, Ruby #8 on most popular tutorials at OSCON
Ruby on Rails: Enjoying the Ride of Programming, the tutorial I’m giving at OSCON, is the third most popular tutorial for the entire conference! As Nathan Torkington from O’Reilly writes:...
June 20, 2005
Designer CMS on Rails: Programmers needed!
There are surely lots of content-management system projects happening in Rails, but are any of them that magic bullet that designers are looking for? Designer CMS on Rails is a...
June 20, 2005
Dreamhost now supports Ruby on Rails
Word on the street is that popular webhost Dreamhost now supports Ruby on Rails. That’s great news, especially if you’re already married to DH and wants to do Ruby on...
June 17, 2005
Install lighttpd through DarwinPorts
DarwinPorts is a great package manager for OS X and lighttpd is a great web server to run Rails from. Now, match the two: Installing Lighttpd on Mac OS X...
June 17, 2005
Slashdotted: Agile Web Development with Rails
As the 6th Slashdotting of Rails comes a review of the Agile Web Development with Rails book. It’s written from the perspective of a PHP programmer who’s coming to terms...
June 16, 2005
Where should the Rails Bootcamp go?
Dave Thomas and Mike Clark are gearing up to run a series of Rails Bootcamps in the Fall. The idea is to take someone who haven’t been doing any Rails...