April 25, 2005
5th Rails book announced (2nd from O'Reilly)
Robby Russell has announced his authorship of an upcoming book that’ll provide “… an in-depth look at RoR, how it works inside and out”. The book is to be published...
April 19, 2005
Rails 0.12.1: No major update without a bit of pain
There’s nothing like pushing a new major update in order to find bugs in the code when its exposed to a couple of hundred working applications. Thankfully the fixes were...
April 18, 2005
Rails 0.12.0: Eager associations, new Base.find API, assertions revisited, more Ajax!
The time had come to butcher the piggy-back query and introduce real association loading through outer joins. Behold, the glorious eager loading of associations that makes it silly easy to...
April 15, 2005
Rails Day: Make an application in 24 hours and win!
Since Rails is supposedly this über-productive bag of lightning bolts, you should be able to accomplish great things within a single clip of 24 hours, right? That’s the assumption Rails...
April 15, 2005
Portland Rails presentation draws full house
Lucas Carlson talks about how Portland is turning into a power zone for Rails development and how great his presentation there went last night: Last night I gave a presentation...
April 13, 2005
RForum 0.1 sees the light of day
RForum is one of the earliest open source applications based on Rails, but it has only just reached a state where the authors Andreas Schwarz and Alexey Verkhovsky were willing...
April 13, 2005
Instiki 0.10.0 comes on the Rails
Alexey Verkhovsky has completed the transition of Instiki to a Rails-based core that uses the latest versions of all the framework instead of the ‘03 dialects it was currently running....
April 12, 2005
Contrasting scaling in J2EE and Rails/FastCGI
Jon Tirsen has taken a closer look at the differences between the threaded scaling approach in J2EE and using Rails with FastCGI. While the former requires object pools, induces thread-safety...
April 11, 2005
A peek at the additional Ajaxing coming in 0.11.2
The pursuit of Ajax nirvana with Rails is marching ahead with breath-taking haste. Thomas Fuchs has compiled a demonstration page of all the effects that we’ve added to the package....
April 9, 2005
Allowing developers to use the tools they love
Hank Roar is the customer on a project being developed by ThoughtWorker Obie. He’s quite pleased with the progress: Never under estimate the importance of allowing developers to use the...