Justin Gehtland has been working on an application using the Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSTL stack for about 5 months. He started redoing it in Rails as an experiment and found something surprising: I’ve...
Ben Hammersley was debating with himself in public whether to dive into Ruby on Rails or stay with his trusty Perls and pick up on Maypole: Should I learn Perl...
This is the point release to tie up the various loose ends introduced with Rails 0.10.0. Action Web Service has seen the most interesting improvements feature-wise with a new generator...
The latest article by Curt Hibbs and the excellent Four Days with Rails are working wonders to attracting new people to Rails. Here are some of the snippets from people...
Tim Germer is learning Rails and liking it so much that he decided to start a blog about the experience. And such was Rails Noise born. As background for his...
There’s nothing like an O’Reilly article to get you on the cover of Slashdot. Curt Hibbs is once again the man for writing a great article that boosts awareness about...
Curt Hibbs has invaded O’Reilly’s ONLamp.com once more to follow up on his hugely popular (and Slashdot linked) article Rolling with Ruby on Rails. In this second part, he expands...
It has been made official. The title of the first Rails book is going to be Agile Web Development with Rails and its currently being written by Dave Thomas. A...
Scratch is a very interesting weblog package by Scott Barron (and with help from Sam Stephenson) that shuns any HTML interface: Scratch is the minimalist’s web log. Scratch gives you...