August 28, 2021
Remove default reliance on Sass and more!
Hi, this is Greg, bringing you the latest changes in Rails. Remove default reliance on Sass and CSS generators Due to Saas has chosen to focus exclusively on dart-saas, Rails...
August 21, 2021
Good-bye classic mode, --skip-puma, --skip-gemfile.. hello weekday_options_for_select!
Hello, zzak again with the latest changes in Rails this week! DHH previews modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling In this YouTube, DHH goes through the latest changes...
August 19, 2021
Rails and have been released
Hi everyone! Rails versions and have been released! These releases contain important security fixes, so please update when you can! This release just contains one security fix which...
August 13, 2021
ESM importmap and Marginalia
Hi, Wojtek here introducing you to upcoming Rails 7 goodies. ESM importmap support Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling are now possible to build in Rails. Exciting new...
August 8, 2021
Active Record goodies and more!
Hi there, this is Greg, bringing you the latest new about the Rails framework. Allow entirely opting out of deprecation warnings Previously if you set app.config.active_support.deprecation = :silence, some work...
July 31, 2021
Favicons, InvalidAuthenticityToken message gains, Journey optimizations and more!
Hello, zzak here! Congrats on making it through another month and another week of Rails development. Add favicon to internal routes “/favicon.ico” They finally fixed that pesky No route matches...
July 23, 2021
Active record improvements and much more
Hi, Wojtek here presenting quite a lot of changes from the past week. Disable schema dump per database Dumping the schema is on by default for all databases in an...
July 19, 2021
Performance and parallel testing improvements and more!
Hi, this is Greg, bring you the latest news of the Rails world. It’s been a quiet week, so we don’t have much changes to cover this time. Fix try...
July 10, 2021
Rails 6.1.4 and plenty of developer UX goodies
Hi, zzak again with the changes from the last week in Rails. Rails 6.1.4 was released This release includes many bug fixes so be sure to upgrade! You can read...
July 2, 2021
Perform destroy_all in batches and a lot more features
Hello. News about latest changes in Rails delivered to you by Wojtek. Active Record destroy_all performs in batches By default it will load records in batches of 100 and allow...