Hey there, detective! Here’s Kasper fumbling through his own trenchcoat for his notebook to give you what went down on the Rails codebase this week. Redis cache store: increment/decrement expiry...
Hello, this is Claudio with a quick recap of what changed this week in the source code of Ruby on Rails. Add year_format option to date_select tag In Japan, 2000...
Greetings, all! This is Daniel, with the latest news about Ruby on Rails. This Week’s Contributors 14 people contributed to Rails this past week, including 4 first-time contributors. Many thanks...
Hello everyone! This is Greg, with the latest news about Ruby on Rails! This Week’s Contributors 13 awesome people contributed to Rails this past week! If you’d like to be...
Hello everyone! This is Eugene, with a roundup of the last two weeks of activity in the Rails world. Let’s get started! This Week’s Contributors In the last two weeks,...
Hello everyone! This is Roque bringing you the latest news from the Rails world. I will cover the highlights from the last two weeks. Let’s get started! This Week’s Contributors...
Hello 🌧 from London! This is Kir, bringing you the latest Rails updates in this episode of the newsletter. This Week’s Contributors 28 people contributed to Rails in the last...
Hello 🌨 from Pittsburgh! RailsConf was amazing: more than a thousand attendees showing that Rails is more alive and welcoming than ever. All the presentations will be available on YouTube...
Nearly 14 years since the first public version of Rails, it’s our pleasure to release yet another major upgrade to the framework in the form of 5.2.0 final. We’ve been...