Boo! Hey ghouls and goblins, Andy here. This is going to be loaded with groan-inducing Halloween-themed puns. If you weren’t turned off already by the Skrillex reference, please keep reading!...
Hey peeps, Kasper here. It’s that time of the week again, when that newsletter you read while frantically checking is here. Oh, you think we’re down, cupcake? I’m afraid...
Happy Friday from sunny Los Angeles! Claudio here with the latest news from the rails/rails repository. Here’s a recap of the commits and pull requests merged into master this week....
Featured This week’s Rails contributors The content for this week’s newsletter is sponsored by the 19 individuals who authored them! Fixnum and Bignum are deprecated in Ruby 2.4 One of...
Cadet, you’re at the new frontier! Orbiting the red planet just yonder, you ponder and wonder: Do Martians drink their Martinis on the rocks? All this crew member knows is...
Jon here welcoming you to This Week in Rails! Today we’ll be touring the wondrous Ruby on Rails chocolate factory to see how its marvelous candy, consumed by web apps...
Howdy everyone! This is Prathamesh bringing you the changes from this week in Rails! Featured This Week’s Rails Contributors This week we had 22 awesome people making Rails better. We...
Oh, hello there! This is Tim here bringing you your latest installment of This Week in Rails. We had another corker this week chock full of great updates - read...
Hello there! Yes, this is Godfrey again. I am glad a lot of you found last week’s Cool Trick™ useful. However, wouldn’t life be pretty boring if you just keep...
This is Godfrey, reporting in from Portland, OR. We have a lot to cover this week, let’s dive right into the stories so you can go back to watching Olympics!...