December 5, 2008
Phusion Passenger 2.0.5 now compatible with Edge Rails
The Phusion team keeps blazing ahead with Passenger and improving it rapidly. They’ve just released version 2.0.5, which includes a few fixes and introduces compatibility with the Rack-based Edge Rails....
November 28, 2008
This Week in Edge Rails
Yesterday was Thanksgiving holiday for US-based developers – but it certainly hasn’t looked like a holiday week in edge Rails. Things are moving fast, with some major changes afoot for...
November 27, 2008
New 15-minute blog video on Rails 2.2
The old 15-minute blog video was getting really long in the tooth, so it’s with great pleasure that I can present the new video made with Rails 2.2 and done...
November 21, 2008
Rails 2.2: i18n, HTTP validators, thread safety, JRuby/1.9 compatibility, docs
Rails 2.2 is finally done after we cleared the last issues from the release candidate program. This release contains an long list of fixes, improvements, and additions that’ll make everything...
November 21, 2008
This Week in Edge Rails
First up this week, a warning for those who don’t closely follow the state of the Rails repository – “edge” really means edge now. The bits for 2.2 are getting...
November 18, 2008
Potential Circumvention of CSRF Protection in Rails 2.1
There is a bug in all 2.1.x versions of Ruby on Rails which affects the effectiveness of the CSRF protection given by protect_from_forgery. By design rails does not perform token...
November 18, 2008
New Rails 2.2 i18n defaults
I just reduced the housework needed to setup a new Rails application with i18n. All new applications will ship with a config/locales directory that’s automatically wired up in the load...
November 14, 2008
Rails 2.2 RC2: Last stop before final
Rails 2.2 has been baking for long enough now. This is the last taste before the goodies are served. So please install and check it out. See if you can...
November 14, 2008
This Week in Edge Rails
The important news in edge Rails this week is the imminent release of Rails 2.2.1 – otherwise known as Rails 2.2 RC2. Getting ready for this release did lead to...
November 9, 2008
Official DB2 adapter from IBM for Rails
IBM have just wrapped up a new DB2 adapter that fixes a bunch of bugs, adds support for a range of features, and works with the rails -d setup to...