November 15, 2006
The Rails Way on premature extraction
Koz and Jamis has posted their first article on The Rails Way covering premature extraction. It’s a great way to start off the show of Rails learnings. Since it’s so...
November 15, 2006
Interview with David from Canada on Rails
Better late than never, the InfoQ team has finally released an interview done with yours truly back in April at Canada on Rails. It includes questions like “How long until...
November 13, 2006
Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce
Christian Hellsten and Jarkko Laine’s new book has hit the shelves: Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce. Their pitch: Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional is the first...
November 1, 2006
A Voter Guide in Rails
In the United States, elections are coming up next week. Radical Designs, a Rails development shop in San Francisco, has put together a site (using Rails) to let voters build,...
October 20, 2006
RailsDay winners announced (finally)!
RailsDay finally got around to announcing the winners. Congratulations to them all. Especially Amy Hoy and Bryan Wood, who with Freckle won the Best Overall. Also of interest is jaded...
October 17, 2006
Ruby on Rails Camp in San Jose on November 9th
Ruby on Rails Camp is an event for up to 120 people who can make it out to the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose and are willing to...
October 17, 2006
Paris on Rails on November 17th
Regional Rails conferences are popping up all over the place. On November 17th, Paris on Rails will go down. It looks like it’ll be a great show for all French...
October 13, 2006
RailsConf 2007 - Call for proposals
There are only 216 days until RailsConf 2007! The 2nd annual International Rails Conference will be in Portland, Oregon on May 17-20, 2007. Don’t worry, it’s going to be a...
October 10, 2006
Testing page caching with new plugin
Damien Merenne has created a swank plugin for page cache testing. Whether caching has happened or they’ve been expired. Quite useful for testing sweeper logic, which, like any caching techniques,...
October 10, 2006
Make your own rescue screens on edge
Mike Naberezny has a brief tutorial on how to make your own custom rescue screens for development mode when using Rails Edge. This way you can tailor the look of...