All Rails World 2024 talks are now online. Watch them all here.

The Modern Pro­gram­mer’s Guide to Neovim and Zel­lij

Are you ready to rev­o­lu­tion­ize your cod­ing en­vi­ron­ment? In a world dom­i­nat­ed by VS Code and oth­er Elec­tron-based ed­i­tors, there’s a hid­den gem that de­vel­op­ers are redis­cov­er­ing: Vim. Or rather, Neovim. Just as Rails trans­formed web de­vel­op­ment, Neovim is re­defin­ing how we write code, blend­ing decades-old tech­nol­o­gy with modern tool­ing for an un­par­al­leled ex­pe­ri­ence.

Work­shop over­view In this hands-on work­shop, we dive into the world of Neovim and Zel­lij — show­ing you how to stream­line your de­vel­op­ment process and achieve a true flow state.

Here’s what you can ex­pect

  • In­tro­duc­tion to Neovim: Un­der­stand the core prin­ci­ples that make Neovim a game-chang­er in the mod­ern pro­gram­ming land­scape.
  • Learn how to ef­fort­less­ly man­age and cus­tomize plu­g­ins to suit your unique work­flow, shed­ding the bloat of heav­ier ed­i­tors.
  • Com­bine the pow­er of Neovim and Zel­lij to in­crease de­vel­op­er pro­duc­tiv­ity by achiev­ing your op­ti­mal flow state.

Key take­aways By the end of this 75-minute work­shop, you will:

  • Have a sol­id un­der­stand­ing of Neovim’s ca­pa­bil­i­ties and how it can enhance your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
  • Man­age work­spaces us­ing Zel­lij to jump in and out of projects with ease.
  • Walk away with a Neovim set­up that em­pow­ers you to code with min­i­mal dis­trac­tions, max­i­miz­ing your ef­fi­cien­cy and cre­ativ­i­ty.

Why At­tend? This work­shop is per­fect for de­vel­op­ers of all lev­els (with some fa­mil­iar­i­ty with Vim) who are look­ing to op­ti­mize their work­flow and em­brace a light­weight, pow­er­ful, and high­ly cus­tomizable ed­i­tor. Whether you’re new to Neovim or look­ing to deep­en your un­der­stand­ing, this ses­sion will pro­vide you with prac­ti­cal skills and in­sights that you can ap­ply im­me­di­ate­ly.

Thank you Coder! This workshop is brought to you by Coder, and will be repeated on both days. It will be first-come, first-served.

13:00 - 14:15

September 26th

Lightning Track

Chris's Profile Picture

Chris Power

Founder, Typecraft

Chris is a seasoned Rails engineer and the face behind the “typecraft” Youtube channel. When not slinging code, Chris is spending time with his Wife of 8 years and coaching T-Ball to his 5-year old twins.

Robert's Profile Picture

Robert Beene

Founder, Typecraft

Robert has been working with Rails for nearly 20 years, helping clients deliver solutions in the healthcare space. When I’m not building apps with my team, I’m raising three kids in the heart of NYC.