All Rails World 2024 talks are now online. Watch them all here.

Level up performance with simple coding changes

This presentation will first highlight some of the major improvements Zendesk has achieved using straightforward Ruby techniques. Data will illustrate the saving of thousands of years of processing time annually, leading to increased customer satisfaction and cost-effectiveness, as reflected in our AWS bills.

Fortunately, many of these enhancements are straightforward to implement from day one. My goal is to show folks how to incorporate these types of improvements early in their development process and share my learnings with the broader community.

15:45 - 16:15

September 27th

Track 2

David's Profile Picture

David Henner

Staff Engineer, Zendesk

I’ve been programming in Ruby for almost 19 years. In a past run life, I wrote ROR ecommerce which was a large open source e-commerce starter application. Today I work for Zendesk on the Ruby scaling team.