August 10, 2006
New security mailing list
In light of the past days of fun and games, we’ve started a new mailing list focused entirely around security. This list will be much lower volume than the main...
August 10, 2006
Rails 1.1.6, backports, and full disclosure
The cat is out of the bag, so here’s the full disclosure edition of the current security vulnerability. With Rails 1.1.0 through 1.1.5 (minus the short-lived 1.1.3), you can trigger...
August 10, 2006
Security update: Rails 1.0, 1.1.3 not affected
Good news: Rails 1.0 and prior is not affected by the latest security breach we’ve experienced. Neither is Rails 1.1.3. We’re currently investigating further just how contaminated 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2,...
August 9, 2006
Rails 1.1.5: Mandatory security patch (and more)
We’re still hard at work on Rails 1.2, which features all the new dandy REST stuff and more, but a serious security concern has come to our attention that needed...
August 7, 2006
Ruby on Rails will ship with OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
It’s finally official: Ruby on Rails will ship with the next version of OS X (see “Internet and Web”). Both server and client (on the developer DVD). We’ve been working...
August 4, 2006
Caboose Rails Documentation Drive
One of the biggest complaints with Rails is the lack of good documentation. Unfortunately, Rails is still very young, and the talented developers are either extremely busy with their jobs,...
August 3, 2006
RubyConf sold out!
Registration for RubyConf 2006 is closed. It took only about four hours to fill 200-some seats. Is that some kind of record? If you missed out, consider holding your own....
August 2, 2006
Miguel de Icaza longs for the Rails of GUI
Open source hacker extraordinaire Miguel de Icaza muses about the state of GUI APIs in light of Avalon: I just had a realization today. Microsoft’s Avalon is the J2EE of...
August 1, 2006
Why you need to come to RailsConf EU
Lars Pind is voicing his concerns over the lack of enthusiasm around RailsConf Europe. I can sympathize with the fears, but allow me to iterate why you need to be...
August 1, 2006
Russian Rails community growing fast
Yaroslav Markin wrote to inform me that the Russian Rails community is experiencing rapid growth and that they’ve now completed a translation of the entire site living at If...