We’re lagging the official announcement by a fair margin, but that won’t hold back our official word of congratulations for Jaded Pixel as they’ve launched Shopify. It’s instant-on stores that...
Registration for Rails Day 2006 is now open. Over the last few days they’ve announced a lot more prizes, including five licenses to TextMate, a few iPods, a boat load...
With Rails in a constant state of evolution, it’s important for its users to help each other stay in step with what’s current. To that end, Conor Hunt has created...
Back in January I took the Pragmatic Rails Studio along with some guys named Dylan Stamat and Jonathan Siegel. Earlier this week they announced a brand new internet application: RightCart.com....
Keywords in the Rails Trac get used in two ways. The first is a standard tagging system, where users tag tickets with whatever keywords they think describe the topic of...
Bruce Williams has started a new article series he calls Rails Views. Bruce is a long-time Rubyist and Rails early adopter and is the UI lead on development of a...
Josh Susser has just announced that he is available for hire. Though relatively new on the Rails scene, Josh has proved a fast learner and has made his mark with...
An Achilles’ heal of Rails is no good way to test your RJS. As the presentation behavior gets more and more sophisticated, the inability to test it becomes a real...
Finnish superstar Jarkko Laine, who’s been in the Rails community since day one, is going to be hosting a discussion this Thursday around 9PM at Reboot 8 in Copenhagen called...
Dan Benjamin, the man who brought A List Apart to Rails, has teamed up with web-standards guru Dan Cederholm and launched Cork’d, a free service for wine fans. Built with...