November 8, 2005
Play and help
Michael Buffington has just opened up for general consumption. It’s an open source board game built on Rails. Besides the hosted version, you can download the source and Michael...
November 7, 2005
Rails 1.0 RC4 (0.14.3): It's the final countdown!
Comrades, we are so close to the goal that the relieve should be tastable. The mythical 1.0 release is now penned to be the very next release once we rattle...
November 6, 2005
Liquid templates announced
Liquid is a brand new template engine optimized for xhtml and emails. It features a very clean syntax and speedy execution speeds. The main difference to traditional ERb is that...
November 6, 2005
Inviting Rails extenders to join the rails-core ML
If you’re working on patches for Rails, you should sign up for the rails-core mailing list. It’s much more low-traffic than the regular Rails mailing list and designated exclusively for...
November 6, 2005
Making REST web services with Ruby on Rails
O’Reilly’s has a new article entitled REST on Rails that explores the building of a simple REST-based web service. They even finish up with a tad of meta-programming to...
November 5, 2005
Komodo 3.5: IDE with support for Ruby on Rails
RadRails is getting company from commercial player ActiveState that has recently shipped Komodo 3.5, their IDE for dynamic languages. Komodo features support for Ruby and Rails and is available on...
November 5, 2005
Enterprise Integration with Ruby by Maik Schmidt
Maik Schmidt is the contributor and maintainer of the DB2 database adapter for Active Record. He’s now also an author of Enterprise Integration with Ruby, which has just been released...
November 5, 2005
Learn how to make Rails fast from a master
Stefan Kaes has been untiringly pushing for optimizations of Rails. Since the release of Rails 0.12.1, Stefan has lead an effort that made his own sample application no less than...
November 1, 2005
Typo theme contest: Win tons of stuff including a Powerbook
The Typo theme contest just got beefed up quite bit. Site 5 has offered a 15" Powerbook for the wining theme and a 12" iBook for number two. That’s on...
November 1, 2005
eWEEK: Ruby on Rails Dev Framework on Track for Growth
eWEEK has another cool article on the growth of Ruby on Rails. Including comments from ActiveState and JBoss. Good stuff.