January 4, 2005
Rails 0.9.3: Optimistic locking, dynamic finders, 1.8.2
Rails is now fully compatible with Ruby 1.8.2, which we advice all to upgrade to as soon as possible. It contains a year’s worth of bug fixes for Ruby, so...
January 4, 2005
43things in 5,204 lines of Ruby on Rails
Eric Hodel was so kind as to show me the output of rake stats on 43things and it revealed that it took 5,204 lines of Ruby to create the current...
January 3, 2005
Are you watching the health of your software?
Kent Beck has probably been more responsible for the uptake of automated testing amongst the general developer population than any other figure over the last five years. One of the...
January 3, 2005
Watch for huge requests on default FCGI
As you might have noticed, 43things have been down for the count a few times since launch with nasty 500’s. The cause was the combination of default FCGI settings and...
January 3, 2005
How the redesign of the website came to be
Jakob Skjerning is sharing some additional details on what we went through creating the new uniform look for Ruby on Rails: The project was pretty interesting since we wanted to...
January 2, 2005
Learning Ruby on Rails with 43things
Ruby on Rails is already going strong on 43things. Learn Ruby is #2 and Write an application on Rails is #8 according to the 43things Zeitgeist. So if you already...
January 2, 2005
The Robot Co-op takes 43things.com live!
First things first: The Robot Co-op has launched 43things! Go check it out right now. It’s a portal for ambitions where you track the 43 things you currently want to...
January 2, 2005
"Some amazing web apps appear on Ruby on Rails"
Luis de la Rosa is predicting the highlights of 2005, which includes plenty of Java goodies, such as Eclipse and Java 1.5 by default on OS X Tiger (that would...
January 1, 2005
Giving up on Java for lack of love
Kate Rhodes is yet another developer leaving Java behind for the lack of love. As she says: “I’m really good at Java. I know my way around it but I...
December 31, 2004
Setting up EliteJournal on TextDrive without a vhost
TextDrive is the official host for Ruby on Rails and as such gets all the action for cool integration efforts. We have a bunch in store that’ll turn the current...