Hola, this is Greg bringing you the latest news from the Rails world! Improve failure safety for RedisCacheStore#delete_multi This PR fixes the issue when Redis is down and Rails.cache.delete_multi is...
Hi, Petrik here with some updates on activities in Rails and associated projects over the last week. Allow templates to set strict locals By default, templates will accept any locals...
Maadwo! Emmanuel with some updates on activities in Rails over the last week. Allow passing Hash on secure password validations You can now pass an option hash to has_secure_password. If...
Hi, this is Greg, bringing you the latest news from the Rails world. Fix caching of missed translations Using Object.new for the default value of a missing translation caused the...
Hi! Emmanuel here with updates from Rails over the last week. Rails Versions,,, and have been released! A few days ago Rails released versions,,...
Hi everyone!!! Rails Versions,,, and have been released! Yes, these are security releases and I think you should update. The releases have been made from the...
Hi, this is Petrik, bringing you the latest news from the Rails world. Optimize Active Record batching Instead of specifying a long list of ids for batch queries (WHERE IN...
In the past few weeks, the Rails team has been working on a few changes to lower the barrier for new contributors to the framework. We started by disabling the...
I’m thrilled to announce three new awesome members to the Rails Core team, which will increase the total number of core members to a cool twelve, and help ensure we...
Hi, this is Greg, bringing you the latest news from the Rails world. Add ability to ignore tables by a regular expression for SQL schema dumps It was already possible...