October 8, 2017
This Week in Rails: HTTP/2 Early hints, friendly error message and more!
Hi there! It’s Prathamesh from Pune, enjoying rain 🌧, sipping ☕️ coffee  and bringing you latest news from the Rails world. Let’s get started! This Week’s Contributors 13 people contributed...
September 29, 2017
This Week in Rails: getting closer to Rails 5.2 beta
Hi there! It’s Claudio from sunny Los Angeles. Step by step we are getting closer to the first beta of Rails 5.2. Check out the changes that occurred in Ra-Ra-Rails-land...
September 27, 2017
Rails 4.2.10 released
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.10 final has been released! As noted in the rc1 post, Rails 4.2 is no longer supported except for severe security...
September 23, 2017
This Week in Rails: New credentials configuration, bugfixes and more!
Hi there! It’s Greg, bringing you a double-edition of This Week in Rails! This Week’s Contributors 28 people contributed to Rails the past two weeks! If you’d like to join...
September 20, 2017
Rails 4.2.10.rc1 released
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.10.rc1 has been released! Per our release policy Rails 4.2 is no longer supported except for severe security fixes, but the...
September 8, 2017
Rails 5.1.4 and 5.0.6 released
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 5.0.6 and 5.1.4 have been released. CHANGES since 5.0.5 To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on...
September 3, 2017
This Week in Rails: engine screenshots, method redefinitions and more!
Oh, hello there! I’m Tim, and if you’re reading this that means you’ve got Rails fever! It’s time for your weekly dose of This Week in Rails…. This Week’s Contributors...
August 30, 2017
Webpacker 3.0: No separate process needed, less config generated
We’ve just made it even easier to use Webpack with Rails with this third major release of Webpacker. The two big changes are that a separate process is no longer...
August 28, 2017
Image alt text gone, restart/cache command fixes and more!
Hello everyone! This is Vipul from Rainy Pune ☔ , cozying up with a ☕, bringing you a recap of the changes  that made it to Rails this week. If...
August 24, 2017
Rails 5.1.4.rc1 and 5.0.6.rc1 released
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 5.0.6.rc1 and 5.1.4.rc1 have been released. If no regressions are found, expect the final release on Tuesday, August 29, 2017. If...