Understand Ruby’s Load Path <p>When you call <code>load</code> or <code>require</code> a new file, Ruby searches through the files in its load path. This allows you to require files relative to...
A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the newly added ActionController::Responder which summarizes your application behavior for a specified format in just one place. For example, the default html behavior...
Last Friday, Apple released their new OS version: Snow Leopard. Upgrading to SL is very easy and even gives you back quite a lot of HD space. However a few...
This week’s post will be rather short and sweet. The notable commits of the week seemed to revolve mainly around refactoring and even slightly altering the way some of the...
Another week, another update on Edge Rails. And man, you aren’t making this easy on me, are ya? This weekend, in case you hadn’t already heard, was the first Rails...
As Rubyists migrate from Ruby 1.8 to Ruby 1.9, new Ruby implementations are gaining in maturity. Recently, IBM's Antonio Cangiano wrote an interesting article comparing the performance between Ruby 1.8,...
This is a question I get quite a lot. Where should I start? What should I do? What can I do to become a better Ruby/Rails developer etc.. (more common...
Over the past few months, Rails core team member Yehuda Katz has posted a series of great blog articles describing some of the process and technique he’s used while coding...
Some of you may remember the Rails Hackfests that were conducted in 2007 and 2008. Well, with some help from the RailsBridge folks, we’re bringing back something similar : The...