November 18, 2008
New Rails 2.2 i18n defaults
I just reduced the housework needed to setup a new Rails application with i18n. All new applications will ship with a config/locales directory that’s automatically wired up in the load...
November 14, 2008
Rails 2.2 RC2: Last stop before final
Rails 2.2 has been baking for long enough now. This is the last taste before the goodies are served. So please install and check it out. See if you can...
November 14, 2008
This Week in Edge Rails
The important news in edge Rails this week is the imminent release of Rails 2.2.1 – otherwise known as Rails 2.2 RC2. Getting ready for this release did lead to...
November 9, 2008
Official DB2 adapter from IBM for Rails
IBM have just wrapped up a new DB2 adapter that fixes a bunch of bugs, adds support for a range of features, and works with the rails -d setup to...
November 7, 2008
This Week in Edge Rails
Rails, as you probably know, is under active development. So, for those of you who don’t have time to read every commit to the source, we’ve decided to revive this...
November 3, 2008
Rails Guides Wants You
If you haven’t looked at the state of Rails documentation lately, it’s time to look again. The new Ruby on Rails Guides page includes 14 separate guides for Rails developers,...
October 29, 2008
3 Weeks in Rails (October 29, 2008)
It’s been 3 weeks (I know I’ve been slacking). However, it’s time to write out another summary of information that any Rails developer might want to know about. Detailed audio...
October 27, 2008
Step by step guide to contributing code to Rails
Always wanted to bask in the glory of being a Rails contributor? Mike Gunderloy has compiled a 12-step program to get you there from square. It’s never to late to...
October 24, 2008
Rails 2.2 RC1: i18n, thread safety, docs, etag/last-modified, JRuby/1.9 compatibility
Rails 2.2 is almost ready for its final release, but before we christen the gems, we’d like to have everyone test out a release candidate. Rails 2.2 is a major...
October 23, 2008
Rails 2.1.2: Security, other fixes
Rails 2.1.2 includes the same two security fixes that we pushed out for 2.0.x recently. We’re talking about a backport of the offset/limit sanitization fix for Active Record and a...