The most popular request on our new Feedback site was for the ability to easily manage multiple models in a single form. Thankfully Eloy Duran has a patch that does...
RailsConf 2009 is now open for registration. We’re going to Las Vegas this year. More precisely the Las Vegas Hilton from May 4th through 7th. It’s going to be a...
January 17, 2009 -January 23, 2009 Edge Rails saw 28 commits this week. Here’s a look at some of them. As always, you’ll want to go back to the GitHub...
January 10, 2009 -January 16, 2009 24 commits for edge Rails this week (with one patch ported over to the 2.2 branch as well). If you want a pre-release look...
With the recent revitalization of the Rails Wiki project, we’re seeing people ask how the various pieces of Rails documentation fit together. I thought it might be useful to lay...
So last week we were announced as activists, but what have we been doing? I’m sure there are some wondering, so here is our first report. Read on for news...
January 3, 2009 -January 9, 2009 It was a pretty light week for the edge Rails tree: about 20 commits. We’re starting to see things coalesce for a 2.3 release,...
Bringing Rails and Merb together is about more than just merging the respective code. We’re also picking up the best ideas from both communities beyond the code. Following on Merb’s...
December 27, 2008-January 2, 2009 Happy New Year! Apparently the Rails core team was not doing too much partying to end the old year: we had 35 commits hit the...
December 20-December 26, 2008 Edition The biggest change in Rails in recent memory isn’t reflected in edge Rails yet: I’m speaking, of course, about the merger of Merb into Rails...