August 27, 2008
Demo of Rails 2.2 internationalization
Rails 2.2 is going to make it much, much easier to do internationalized sites. Check out Clemens Kofler’s sample app running live or peruse his code. Thread safety? Internationalization? What...
August 27, 2008
Juggernaut: Server-side push for Rails
Juggernaut is a combination of a small Ruby server, a Flash bridge, and a plugin that makes it easy to do server-side push systems in Rails. I played with this...
August 23, 2008
DoS Vulnerabilities in REXML
The ruby-security team have published an advisory about a DoS bug affecting REXML users. Almost all rails applications will be affected by this vulnerability and you’re strongly advised to take...
August 16, 2008
Josh Peek officially joins the Rails core
Josh Peek has been a defacto Rails core committer for a while, but for some reason we’ve never actually made the appointment official. So here it goes: Josh Peek is...
August 6, 2008
And once again, hackfest is back. Only this time, it’s better than ever, thanks to Git The idea is quite simple. You get 5000 points for each of your patches...
July 29, 2008
Bratwurst on Rails at RailsConf Europe
From the Bratwurst on Rails team: Fellow Rubyists from Berlin cordially invite all participants of RailsConf Europe to a barbecue in good old German tradition. The event is an opportunity...
July 26, 2008
This Week in Rails (July 26, 2008)
Welcome to the fourth edition of This Week in Rails, a weekly (and occasionally fortnightly) report with highlights from the Rails community. David broke the news of the availability of...
July 20, 2008
Internationalization in edge Rails and more
There won’t be a Living on the Edge this week, but you won’t be starved for info because the Rails community is keeping up. Ryan Daigle has been keeping up...
July 19, 2008
RailsConf Europe schedule now available
The schedule for RailsConf Europe sessions have now been made public. If you still haven’t signed up to go, there is still time to make it. This is the last...
July 11, 2008
This Week in Rails (July 11, 2008)
Welcome to the third edition of This Week in Rails, a weekly report with highlights from the Rails community. My apologies for the delay of this post, the past two...